We make buying a new propeller easy. Anyone can resell a propeller. But it takes a seasoned expert to make sure you get the exact propeller you need, exactly when you need it. At Memphis Propeller, our staff brings extensive knowledge of every make and model to every transaction. We ask the right questions, offer sage advice and help you pick the propeller that best fits your aircraft and your budget. We have close relationships with all the major manufacturers including MT, Hartzell, McCauley, and Sensenich. These ties and our location in one of the world’s most advanced freight shipping centers mean we can get your order processed, packaged and delivered quickly.
Service that’s second to none. Propellers undergo tremendous centrifugal and operational stress. Each blade can have as much as 40,000 lbs of load placed on it during a typical flight. The hub, which holds everything together, is subject to incredible loading. Any corrosion, cracking, nicking, etc., can cause a “stress riser” in a propeller component, weakening that area. If left unaddressed, a small indication can cause complete failure of a component. The results can be at best inconvenient. At worst lethal and catastrophic! Your propeller is a very critical and expensive piece of equipment. Overhauling and servicing your propeller according to the manufacturer’s recommendations helps ensure that your equipment is safe. Many minor problems are discovered and remedied during overhaul that would turn into costly repairs or future failures.
We pay fair prices for good parts.
If you have excess inventory, parts you don’t need or are simply looking to unload a propeller, give us a call. Our high sales volume and large warehouse capabilities allow us to acquire parts and propellers, perform any required maintenance and connect with aircraft owners who might need them. We’re more than willing to pay a fair price for single items and even large-scale transactions. We have close relationships with all the major manufacturers including Hartzell, McCauley, MT and Sensenich, so we can get the most out of your unused parts. Don’t let excess parts and propellers rust away. Turn them into profit with Memphis Propeller.